Continental test
Since being founded in 1871, the German automotive manufacturing company Continental has offered safe, efficient, intelligent, and affordable solutions for transportation vehicles and machinery. Continental develops innovative technologies and services for the purpose of sustainably and efficiently ensuring the mobility of people and goods. By putting sustainability and social responsibility at the core of its values, Continental ensures that its positive ambitions are directly translated into its strategy. By 2050, the company and its value chain partners aim to be 100% carbon neutral, emission-free, and operating within a responsible value chain through a circular economy. Continental constantly strives for innovation, not only by setting trends and creating technologies for future mobility, but also through its comprehensive roadmaps for sustainability action – paving a way into the future.
Renewable Energy Consumption Meter
Continental has been sourcing renewable energy for its locations across the globe since 2020.
Continental's Renewable Energy Sourcing Philosophy
As a member of RE100, the global corporate renewable energy initiative for businesses committed to sourcing 100% renewable electricity, Continental has strict and exacting standards for the quality of the renewable electricity it sources. Some of Continental’s short and long-term goals include carbon neutrality, emissions-free mobility and industries, and a responsible value chain.
In order to meet these ambitious targets and show their long-term commitment to sustainable solutions, Continental have been sourcing renewable electricity for various operations around the globe since 2021.
In addition, Continental has signed a multi-year contract (2023-2026) to source renewable electricity for its locations in Mexico, Brazil, China and Europe, which represents almost 1.5 TWh of electricity sourced from renewable power plants. Continental are going beyond standard market practices by sourcing from specific power plants for each country or region.
The production of renewable electricity is certified by Energy Attribute Certificates (EACs). These are the accepted legal instrument through which claims of renewable energy generation and consumption are substantiated in the global renewable energy market. There are different types of EAC for different regions of the world, and they are all in compliance with the quality criteria set by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol in the latest Scope 2 guidance document.
Continental's Renewable Energy Sources
World Kinect's sources
- Brazil
Continental's own sources
Technology sourced per region
GWh per technology per region
Global technology split
Percentage of each renewable energy technology globally