Latin America Power S.A.
Latin America Power (LAP) has become an important player in the energy sector of Chile and Perú in the last decade, providing renewable energy to the generation mix of both countries.
From 2011 and until the present day, LAP has been characterized by their development of projects of diverse sources of energy, such as hydroelectricity, wind, and solar power, all the while maintaining a close relationship with the local communities and protecting the environment. LAP count on the support of their partners in Brazil, BTG Pactual, Patria Investments, and GMR Energía, who created the company ERSA/CPFL Renovaveis in 2006.

During Latin America Power`s history, we have witnessed the development and strengthening of diverse flagship projects and the communities surrounding them. Thus, our first investment in Chile was the construction of the run-of-river hydroelectric power plant Carilafquen Malalcahuello in Melipeuco, Araucanía region, and we are further responsible for developing one of the largest wind power plants in operation in Chile, San Juan de Chañaral de Aceituno farm, in the Atacama region. Moreover, we are operating six hydroelectric power plants in isolated locations of Peru, which were materialized through State contracts. We have also developed important work with peasant communities surrounding each project through investment funds to improve the productive activities and the communal infrastructures.
Currently, we have got 10 projects in operation, both in Chile and in Peru, which provide over 340 MW of clean energy to the generation mix of both countries, exemplifying correct functioning at all levels.
Latin America Power: A Company Committed to Sustainability
Sustainability is the guideline for everything we do at Latin America Power, as we are fully committed to protecting our environment. We continually engage with our neighbors, in order to contribute to development and growth within surrounding communities, as a neighbor. LAP’s sustainability pillars are divided into three fundamental areas:
I. Socio-environmental policy
It is fundamental that Latin America Power implements its projects in an environmentally friendly fashion, which, based on clean technologies, ensures rational natural resource use while recovering environments and reducing waste. We aim to contribute to national development and growth. We respect national legislation, actively participate in trade organizations, and implement projects that benefit local communities.
One first pillar is therefore environmental responsibility, since all our processes are responsible, in harmony with the environment, and comply with every standard and requirement.

II. Investment in renewable energy projects
We only participate in Non-Conventional Renewable Energy projects that minimize our environmental impact and contribute to building an environmentally friendly community.
III. Community engagement
LAP’s sustainability framework is renowned among its stakeholders. We have developed a climate of respect that accepts the cultures, values, and traditions of our local communities through sustained engagement. We actively plan and pa
rticipate in any local economic and social development opportunity.
Our community engagement and relations are further organized under 4 fundamental pillars, which respond to Latin America Power’s commitment to each country.
Responsible business
- Raising awareness of the Complaints and Concerns system
- Training on system access
- Complaints and Concerns management
Links with the environment
- Stakeholder engagement
- Definitions of strategic investments
Community investment
- Community investment funds
- Implementing social commitments and environmental requirements
- Social visits to production centers
- Public milestones regarding process closures
- Publishing activities